You like music?
You like to say what's on your mind?
You want to share that?
What's in a song?
We are going to analyse different types of music in different parts of the world and work out the cultural value this music has.
We will analyse the way cultural heritage is transmitted through music.
You will:
analyse different songs and their messages and the values they transmit.
analyse the songs chosen regarding cultural content transmitted through the songs
describe the way this message and content shows the target culture and the way this type of music transmits certain aspects of this culture
describe your feelings while listening to this type of music
interchange opinions on the messages and the way of transmitting the cultural content of the songs
Create a critical mind in the way songs may convey cultural heritage
Analyse the language, grammar, rhetoric and stylistic devices songs may have in the target culture
create a song which reflects these findings.
show your song in the 2018 LAUDE Newton College Open Day and become a star!